Emotional traumas are every bit as real as physical traumas. They leave us wounded and in need of healing. Unexpressed and unresolved emotional trauma results in lasting difficulties and recurring problems in current-day life. (more)

Lynn's Legacy
Lynn’s Legacy: Caring for the Caregiver is a program designed to educate and support caregivers, and to promote resilience and help alleviate the buildup of physical, emotional and mental stress (more)

The Survivor's Guide to Life
The Survivor’s Guide to Life is an on-going series of discussions with Dr Peter Bernstein - a coach and mentor more than 50 years of experience working with emotional trauma and its impacts on the quality of people’s lives (more)

EMT's | First Responders Vets Programs
The Bernstein Institute offers two programs for front line workers – service members and veterans of the military, law enforcement and first responder: Trauma Recovery for Front Line Workers and Focused Resiliency Training for Front Line Workers (more)

Renewal and Resiliency
The Bernstein Institute for Trauma Recovery offers a comprehensive and supportive resiliency training program to address the self-care needs of professional staff due to the impact of patient or client trauma. (more)