The Bernstein Institute provides coaching and mentoring services to guide individuals and couples to more fulfilling, productive lives. We recognize the opportunity in struggles and adversity for growth and finding meaning and purpose. We believe that recognizing, accepting, and facing the problems in our lives – and dealing with them – is the path to hope and healing.

Our approach, while grounded in principles of psychology, is a more natural and effective way to create change. We see the traditional psychotherapeutic approach as a flawed model. In our evolution to coaching and mentoring, we deemphasize prescription medications and diagnoses and address the mind/body connection. We focus on forward-thinking strategies which include developing new insights coupled with our unique form of bodywork. And over the many years of our practice, we’ve seen our approach change lives in profound and lasting ways.

At the institute, we’re fellow human beings, just like you, and we work in teams. We’re highly qualified professionals who’ve also gone through our own hard times and intimately know the value of our work. Through empathy, and a willingness to grow, we can guide and support you through your healing journey.
