Dr. Peter Bernstein
Peter Bernstein, PhD, CMT, grew up in Newark, New Jersey, and the surrounding areas in the rougher parts of town. In his early twenties, he was a stockbroker in New York City and ran a construction company with his father, overseeing many subcontractors and employees. Peter’s determination to succeed in business and life led him to consider a career change. Basic training at Fort Ord in Monterey during the Vietnam war era had given Peter a love for Northern California, so he decided to come west. The counter-cultural lifestyle of California was very different, however, from the tough environment Peter had known in New Jersey. He decided to start out in a setting somewhat similar to his background, working in juvenile treatment facilities in Santa Clara, San Jose, and San Francisco. His concern for his employees in New Jersey and his work with incarcerated youth led to the discovery of his calling – caring for people in need.
Members of the faculty at San Jose State became aware of Peter’s work with juvenile offenders, and encouraged him to begin his professional training. A college drop-out, Peter had almost impossible requirements placed on him to complete his bachelor’s degree. He responded with the optimism and determination which are a hallmark of his career. He completed his bachelor’s, went on to earn his master’s degree in social psychology, and began clinical training as a psychotherapist. Work at drug and alcohol clinics, hospitals, and other kinds of treatment programs left Peter disappointed with their long- term results. In spite of extensive training and skills, and the best intentions of good professionals, the therapeutic techniques used didn’t seem to produce lasting change in patients’ lives. He was also disturbed by the growing emphasis on therapeutic medications. Although at times it was clear that the use of psychotropic drugs could be very beneficial, long-term reliance on medication is often counterproductive to resolving and healing emotional wounds. Peter wanted to find another approach that could work, without primary reliance on drugs, and he was going to find it. He wanted to explore the connection between the mind and the body in healing.
Peter has always been a very physical and competitive person. High school wrestling, weightlifting, cutting horse competitions, and race car driving have been and are passions in his life. His desire to provide real healing for his patients led him to expand the scope of his clinical training to include several somatic, or body-centered methods of psychotherapeutic treatment. Ultimately, Peter earned his doctorate in clinical psychology with an emphasis on a combined cognitive and body-centered approach. He completed post-doctoral work in his field as well. During this time, Peter obtained his license as a Marriage, Family and Child Therapist and started his own private practice. For over 47 years, Peter provided psychotherapeutic services to individuals, couples, families, and children from offices in Larkspur, San Francisco, Novato, and Petaluma.
Now, 52 years later, Peter continues to refine and reinvent his approach. In 2018, under his direction, the Bernstein Institute transitioned to exclusively offer coaching and mentoring services. This transition reflects a natural evolution of Peter’s work and thought, from an emphasis on clinical disorders and mental illness to a more practical, forward-thinking approach full of opportunity and hope.
Throughout his career, Peter has sought out the most effective techniques and protocols to create emotional and physical healing. The culmination of his quest for knowledge and experience – which includes aspects of his initial clinical training and doctoral studies, coaching and mentoring certification, fascial release physical therapy, team approach, substance abuse recovery, family systems, leadership skills, nutrition and supplementation, and the nature and comprehensive healing of trauma – is the evolution of his new signature modality, Bernstein Healing Protocols (BHP), and Bernstein Healing Protocols/Physical Release (BHP/PR).
Continual exploration and ongoing innovation have marked every stage of Peter’s life and career, and will continue to do so. He looks forward to the challenges and rewards ahead for himself and his clients, as the Bernstein Institute grows and reaches out to people in need.

Hilloah Levy
Hilloah is a Certified Professional Coach, Training Coordinator, and program Co-coordinator for Lynn’s Legacy: Caring for the Caregiver. She has been with the institute for 18 years. Hilloah is a licensed massage professional and is certified in myofascial release and cranio-sacral technique. For a number of years, she served as an assistant to Dr. Peter Bernstein in trauma recovery work and was a caregiver to Lynn Bernstein until her death in April, 2021. Her lifetime pursuits have included watercolor and pastel artistry, interior design, and avid gardening. Hilloah’s passion for supporting caregivers is heartfelt and genuine. She is motivated and compassionate in her leading role for Lynn’s Legacy. Hilloah also expresses her caring nature through her excellent cooking.

Kelly Barling
Kelly Barling is a Certified Professional Coach, program Co-coordinator for Lynn’s Legacy: Caring for the Caregiver, and Assistant Bookkeeper for the institute. She served as a personal and bookeeping assistant, and then caregiver to Lynn Bernstein for over twelve years. Kelly was certified and worked as a first responder EMT. She has also been a primary caregiver for many family members, including grandparents, her father, and her mother. Kelly is the effective, practical, get-it-done member of the institute staff. We rely on her ability to communicate our work in down-to-earth language that anyone can understand.